Xiaolei Zhu Students

Xiaolei Zhu Ph.D. Associate Professor

Professor Zhu received his Ph.D. in 2009 from Peking University. His researches are manly in the domain of bioinformatics.

E-mail: xlzhu_mdl@hotmail.com


Selected Papers

 Qiao Y, Zhu X* and Gong H. BERT-Kcr: Prediction of lysine crotonylation sites by a transfer learning method with pre-trained BERT models. Bioinformatics DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab712

 Liu L#, Xiong Y#, Gao H, Wei DQ, Mitchell J.C.*, Zhu X*. dbAMEPNI: a database of alanine mutagenic effects for protein–nucleic acid interactions. DATABASE-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2018; Doi: 10.1093/database/bay034

 Zhu X, Shin WH, Kim H, Kihara D. Combined approach of Patch-Surfer and PL-PatchSurfer for Protein-Ligand binding prediction in CSAR 2013 and 2014, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2016; 56(6): 1088-1099

 Zhu X, Xiong Y, Kihara D. Large-scale binding ligand prediction by improved patch-based method Patch-Surfer2.0. Bioinformatics 2015; 31(5): 707-713

 Zhu X#, Ericksen SS#, Mitchell JC. DBSI: DNA Binding Site Identifier. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013, 41(16): e160

 Liu S, Liu S, Zhu X, Liang H, Cao A, Chang Z, Lai L. Nonnatural protein-protein interaction-pair design by key residues grafting. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007, 104(13): 5330-5